Tuesday 5 February 2013

Rhyme time and grubby sheep

Mary had a little lamb,
It's fleece was sort of grey.
She took it to the launderette,
And washed it clean away!

It's poetry week this week.

The little learners will be looking at poems and verse from around the world, as well as traditional rhymes and picture books with rhyming text.

Traditional rhymes are great fun, and all little learners enjoy reciting them. Whilst they are doing this, they are learning a very important skill, that of recognising rhyming words and hearing the rhythm in rhyme. This skill ultimately helps little learners with their reading and writing.

It is certainly the team's experience, that once the little learners hear rhyming words and rhyming patterns they seem to make it their mission to identify every single rhyming word in every word the team says. So for instance, when a grown up says something like, "It's time for lunch." There will be an excited chorus of little voices all shouting out words that rhyme with lunch!
It's wonderful to hear and the team are thrilled to have such firm evidence that the little learners are gaining a sound understanding of rhyme, but it can make a numeracy lesson a little long winded, when all the little learners want to do is find words that rhyme with the number names.

The team is hoping that as the week progresses, the little learners may even come up with some rhymes of their own. And if they do, they are sure they will be a darn sight better than Mrs Crayon's dodgy offering at the top of the page.   

"Oh my! I may have overdone the Vanish!"

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