As Miss Kind desperately tried to ram one last dust pan load of detritus into the classroom's already overflowing waste bin this afternoon, she took a moment to stand back and survey the stark display boards, the clear glass of the classroom windows, (which incidentally no one has seen since the beginning of last September, prior to them becoming covered in vast amounts of bits and bobs,) and the lengths of string (minus their dingle dangles) hanging from the ceiling and gently swaying in the warm breeze emanating from the open windows. All that was needed now thought she, was for some tumbleweed to come rolling past her, and the sad and sorry scene would be complete. is the end of term! The academic year is done, and the time has come when little learners must move on to the next phase in their educational journey - that of year one.
The Sunnyside Team have been here before, many many times in fact, but this annual event, still remains as poignant and as emotional as ever.
While Miss Kind was battling with the waste bin, Mrs Very Jolly and a band of little learner helpers, were busy retrieving all the Blu-tack blobs left behind after the removal of the classroom's mountain of paintings, posters and dingle dangles.
With their work almost done, and their expanding Blu-tack blob now the size of a tennis ball, Mrs Very Jolly was keen to ask her little helpers how they felt about the prospect of moving to year one.
"The work is really, really hard you know!" Stated one little learner.
"You do really tricky numbers." Said another.
"You don't do fun things in year one.....that's for the little kids." Ironically informed a third little learner.
"And....." Shouted a little learner from the back of the group as he popped a blob of Blu-Tack in his trouser pocket, "The grown ups aren't allowed to help you in year one, you has to do everyfin' by your own!"
Standing at Mrs Very Jolly's side was a little learner intently listening to all this spurious information as he was busily squishing a small blob of Blu-Tack between his fingers.
"What about you poppet..." Mrs Very Jolly asked him, "What are you hoping to learn in year one?"
"Well..." Pondered the little learner for a moment, still furiously squishing his bit of putty, "I'd like to learn to juggle!"
"Oh!" Was the response to that from a somewhat crest fallen Mrs Very Jolly, because sadly she is unaware of any juggling year one teachers at Sunnyside School, in fact, she's not aware of any juggling teachers at all!
So, dear reader all that remains is to thank you once again for being a faithful visitor to the SUNNYSIDERS blog.
Sunnysiders will return in September with a brand new crew of little learners, led as usual by the non juggling Mrs Jolly, Mrs Very Jolly, Miss Kind, Mrs Caring, Mrs Crayon and Mrs Organised.
See you then for more fun and learning!
No fun in year one
There's no such thing as fun
When you're learning in year one,
When you're learning in year one,
You don't get help, so everything's a struggle.
But the fact is I don't care,
You see I'm only going there,
Because I've heard the grown ups teach you how to juggle!
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