In the heart of a little seaside town called Whippy Cove, sits a little school called Sunnyside. In the little school called Sunnyside there are lots of boys and girls called little learners. For some of these little learners this week is going to be their very first time ever in school. It might be that some of these little learners are feeling anxious about this important event in their lives, whilst others may be feeling confident and excited. One thing is guaranteed though, a wonderful, fun and busy year awaits them all.
So lets join these little learners right at the beginning of their school life journey and find out what it is to be a little learner at Sunnyside School.
Over the coming weeks and months we are going to see how a busy Reception class operates. We will find out how the littlest learners in school actually learn and we will see just how much fun all the grown ups have at Sunnyside being part of that important learning process.
But first we really need to meet the happy team who support the learning in the reception year at Sunnyside.
Mrs Jolly
Mrs Very Jolly
Mrs Crayon
Miss Kind and Mrs Caring
Mrs Organised
So welcome to you all from the SUNNYSIDERS of Whippy Cove!
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